Thailand Political Society Change in the Era of Thaksin Shinawatra (2001-2006)

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Thasothorn Tootongkam
Thongchai Wongchaisuwan
Sakrit Isariyanon


The purpose of this research is to study Thailand political society change in the era of Thaksin Shinawatra (2001-2006) on the following issues 1) Factors leading to Thailand political society change, 2) The essence of Thailand political society change, and 3) The impact of Thailand political society change. The method of this study is documentary research and the presentation of research results is in the form of analysis descriptive. The study found that 1) the factors leading to Thailand political society change during Thaksin Shinawatra era between 2001 and 2006 are divided into 2 factors. The first is external factors that include the spread of democracy leading to political reform, the spread of neoliberalism and populism, and the changes in information technology. The second factor is internal factors that included the birth of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 1997, the economic crisis in 1997, and social changes. 2) The essence of Thailand political society change during Thaksin Shinawatra era between 2001 and 2006 came from the establishment of the Thai Rak Thai Party which is a large capital group. Victory from the election of members of parliament leading to the change of the House of Representatives, government establishment from the Thai Rak Thai Party, bureaucratic reform to be a government tool, and the changes of civil society. 3) The impact of Thailand political society change during Thaksin Shinawatra era from 2001 to 2006 led to the advent of the Thaksinocracy which led to changes in the Thai political system through institutions and political institutions and processes which consist of a political party, election, parliament, government, bureaucracy, and civil society.

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How to Cite
Tootongkam, T. ., Wongchaisuwan, T. ., & Isariyanon, S. . (2022). Thailand Political Society Change in the Era of Thaksin Shinawatra (2001-2006). Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(2), 1–16. retrieved from
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