Islamic Concept of International Relations in Quran

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Samart Thongfhua


The objectives of this research article aim to study the Islamic concept of international relations in the Holy Quran and classify the verses related to international relations through the concepts of international relations in the Holy Quran. This is a qualitative research based on the study of documents related to the concept of international relations in Islam both in Thai and foreign languages ​​and in-depth interviews with selected interviewees, academics and specialists including political science, Islamic history, muslim studies, and current issues the total number of four informants are then divided into categories and start to analyze, then summarized into principles and found the connection of the data. Based on the Inductive Analysis from the interviewees. The study revealed that there were only main concepts of international relations in the verses of the Holy Quran with no details. In this research, those verses were classified into main categories such as the concept of encouraging good relations, international cooperation, justice and equality, and negotiations to prevent war. Although there was no explicit term for international relations, the Holy Quran could be a pattern and implement for the concept of international relations.

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How to Cite
Thongfhua, S. (2023). Islamic Concept of International Relations in Quran. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(2), 240–258. retrieved from
Research Articles


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