Politics of Space in Chang Arena Buriram Province

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Tongchai Sisophon
Rajany Nilvannapha


The purpose of this research is to study the politics of space in Chang Arena Stadium at Buriram province in three issues as follows: the first is the politics of physical space, the second is the politics of imaginary space, and the third is the politics of social space. It is a qualitative research. The collecting data are in-depth interviews, participant observation, and walk to explore the area of the Chang Arena Stadium. The study found that the politics of physical space are brought cultural and historical trends in Buriram to create geographical area, planning area for tourism, built a football stadium blends with old and modern architecture, Buriram Castle market, Shiva Park 12, Phanom Rung Castle raplica, and Chang International Circuit. The politics of imaginary space are a revival of the religious beliefs and history of Buriram city, Prasat Phanom Rung’s symbol created as a club badge and football stadium, and the politics of social space are built sport fields for exercise, and area of restaurants which were useful areas for Buriram people and tourists as well as promoting job and career for merchants.

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How to Cite
Sisophon, T., & Nilvannapha, R. . (2023). Politics of Space in Chang Arena Buriram Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(2), 206–223. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/260464
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