The Establishment of Participatory Process and Mechanisms in the Making of Community Plans to Promote Local Goods Case study of Kut Wa, Kuchinarai District, Kalasin Thailand

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Phimlikid Kaewnanam
Jariya Intanin
Ariya Pongsiri
Monchaya Sapanuchart
Sukanya Noipang


The establishment of participatory process and mechanisms in the making of community plans is a study aiming to develop participatory mechanisms in community plans and to investigate participatory factors among various participants and stakeholders relevant to the making of community plans. A qualitative research compiling with an application of Participation Action Research (PAR) approach emphasizing on participation and action practices toward selected sample of 46 individuals retrieved from purposive and snowball sampling methods was manipulated thoroughly in this study. Research results revealed that the leaders of community were found as the main participation-driven ones in community enabling such influential roles as being able to.,(1) Create and provide knowledge to the other group leaders as well as the people in the area. (2) Collect and analyze data together with the people in community. and (3) Proceed with the plans and conduct participatory activities while realizing an evaluation of an outcome was still neglected .Henceforth, there were derivative suggestions drawn from the mutual enhancement of collaborative learning and understanding in the community planning process. 1. The making of a community plan should be changed from occupying community-based planning to be participatory-based planning so that the people can participate more in the process: providing and sharing needs on any circumstances of the community. 2. Local government organizations provide more opportunity and integration for the local in a stage of community planning process. 3. A One-size-fit-all approach is no longer applicable to participatory development in which aimed to emphasize raising quality of participation in local community. 4.There should be no timeframe - based practice in community planning process. 5. In data analysis, separating needs from problems should be manipulated to increase participation mechanisms among the local people as it can be genuinely practicable.

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How to Cite
Kaewnanam, P. ., Intanin, J. ., Pongsiri, A. ., Sapanuchart, M. ., & Noipang, S. . (2022). The Establishment of Participatory Process and Mechanisms in the Making of Community Plans to Promote Local Goods Case study of Kut Wa, Kuchinarai District, Kalasin Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(1), 168–188. retrieved from (Original work published April 8, 2022)
Research Articles


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