Mill’s Harm Principle as the Preventive Approach Against Tyranny of the Majority in Liberal Democracy

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Saksit Karlers


This paper aims to provide an understanding in John Stuart Mill’s the principle of harm to others, as the preventive approach against tyranny of the majority in liberal democracy. That is, this research aims political philosophy method conducted through a textual analysis, the result shows that, Mill fears the tyranny of the majority and regards it as one of the evils in liberal democracy. So Mill argued, human beings are self-directing, and the greatest happiness of the greatest number would come from individuals having freedom. So individual adults should be free to do whatever they wish up to the point where they harm to others, That is, the only justification for interference with individual freedom to live their life as they choose is to prevent harm to others, This is Mill’s harm principle, and was the preventive approach against tyranny of the majority in liberal democracy. Mill’s most important work in this regard is his tract On Liberty, published in 1859 and Considerations on Representative Government, published in 1861.

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How to Cite
Karlers, S. . (2022). Mill’s Harm Principle as the Preventive Approach Against Tyranny of the Majority in Liberal Democracy. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(1), 1–20. retrieved from (Original work published April 8, 2022)
Research Articles


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