Roles of Leadership on the Crisis Management in the Situations of the Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic in Thailand

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Yuttaphong Jakkhom
Viyouth Chamruspanth


This article aims to study the roles of leadership on the crisis management in the situations of the COVID-19 pandemic. The outbreak is the test of administrators’ abilities on showing the leadership towards the urgent crisis management to reduce the impacts taken place in super spread and effective implementation. This is due to the COVID-19 pandemic is the Emerging Infectious Deceases (EID) that the global unexpectedly gains the impacts and hardly controls these ones.  It was found that the roles of leaders are important to problem-solving management depending on “science” and “art” on job administrations. However, the roles of leadership towards the problem-solving of the country require to have high leadership in the following characteristics: Pathfinding, Effective work system, Inspiration, Communication, Life-long Learning, Emotional Intelligence, and Change Management that are crucial for leaders to have on their administrations under the crisis changing situations.

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How to Cite
Jakkhom , Y. ., & Chamruspanth, V. . (2023). Roles of Leadership on the Crisis Management in the Situations of the Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic in Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(2), 1–19. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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