A Path Analysis of Factors of Management Influencing Operational Efficiency of the Area Revenue Office under the Responsibility of the Regional Revenue Office 10
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This study aimed to investigate operational efficiency and explore direct, indirect, and total effects of causal factors affecting management efficiency of the Area Revenue Office, under jurisdiction of the Regional Revenue Office 10. A quantitative research approach employed closed-ended questionnaires to gather data. The results demonstrated that the Regional Revenue Office 10 had an optimal overall operational efficiency (=4.59, S.D=0.57). In terms of direct effects, coefficient values for the four measured variables, in ascending order, were: man (personnel) (-0.01), message (0.20), management (0.28), and morality (within the organization) (0.39). With respect to indirect effects, coefficient values were shown for three variables, each mediated by the variable of morality. In ascending order, they were: man (-0.02), management (0.15), and message (0.16). Regarding total effects, coefficient values for the four variables, in ascending order, were: man (0.03), message (-0.36), morality (0.39), and management (0.43). Based on the squared multiple correlation (R2), man, management, and message were causal variables accounting for variance in morality. The findings from this study suggest that in order to enhance its operational efficiency, the Regional Revenue Office 10 should take into account three factors, namely, management, message, and morality. Moreover, incorporating measures to account for morality throughout all aspects of operation will improve the organization’s operational efficiency.
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