Gambling by Thai youths at the Mae Sod - Myawaddy border

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Wasan Pounpunwong


This article forms part of the research project - ‘Preventive measures to combat the gambling problem of Thai youths at the Mae Sod - Myawaddy border’. The gambling situation of Thai youths is presented at the border, and ‘mixed methodology research’ is used to analyze the results. Findings revealed that Thai youths cross the Mae Sod - Myawaddy border to gamble. Most of the youths are not aware of the dangers of becoming addicted to gambling. They begin their gambling journey by playing ‘Fish Prawn Crab’ or ‘Sicbo’ to gain experience. One reason that leads them down the gambling route is the excitement of taking risks. Some youths are as young as 5 years old. Results also revealed that the youths join casinos and gambling dens in nearby homes within the community, while others participate in online gambling. Most of the youths waste their own money on gambling as savings and money given to them by their parents. Youths who join the gambling route have no time to study. Many take to stealing and become drug addicts with aggressive behavior. Some suggestions to resolve these problems include 1. Resolving the youth gambling situation at the Mae Sod - Myawaddy border must begin with support from their families. The children require guidance and discipline to avoid taking their first steps on the slippery path to gambling addiction. 2. People in the community should discuss this situation with local education institutions. Additional courses should be instigated to educate the youth and people in Mae Sod district about the dangers of gambling through information dissemination, and 3. Government sector units are key to integrating cooperation with other sectors such as civil society, entrepreneurs and local people. A committee should be established to monitor the situation, explore the problem and collect statistical data related to these gambling issues.

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How to Cite
Pounpunwong, W. . (2021). Gambling by Thai youths at the Mae Sod - Myawaddy border. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(3), 161–183. retrieved from
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