Factors for developing the prototype on Muslim Women career: A study of Patabudee village, Lampho subdistrict, Yaring, Pattani

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Suthirus Choochuen


The objective of this research was to study the factors for developing the   prototype on Muslim women career in Patabudee Village, Lampho Subdistrict,     Yaring, Pattani. This research was mix methodology; quantitative and qualitative. There were three parts of the research 1) Preparation 2) During the research which has four processes (PDCA; Plan-Do-Check-Act) 3) Evaluation. The sample of this    research were 20 Muslim women who were purposive selecting. There were many selecting methods such as documentary, group talk, in-depth interview, observing, note-taking, group discussion, and questionnaires. Quantitative analyzed by statistic percentage, mean, and sd. Qualitative analyzed by content analysis and interpretation. The finding showed that the most interested career of Muslim women in Patabudee   Village, Lampho Subdistrict, Yaring, Pattani was “health massage” which was 90    percent and merchandise which was 10 percent. Muslim women got benefit from this participation research. They had not only a job but also a salary. The research evaluation showed that all of the Muslim women satisfied which was 100 percent. There were three factors for developing the prototype on Muslim women career in Patabudee Village, Lampho Subdistrict, Yaring, Pattani; 1) Network linking and         2) Set drive end process 3) Integrate Islam Discipline

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How to Cite
Choochuen, S. . (2021). Factors for developing the prototype on Muslim Women career: A study of Patabudee village, Lampho subdistrict, Yaring, Pattani. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(3), 214–227. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/256596
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