Analysis of Case Study Based on Sociological Theory in Different School of Thoughts: The Gap and Different Thoughts of Politics of Two Age Groups

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Apichart Jai-aree
Nachaphong Janchula


A social phenomenon challenging the democracy system in Thailand is political dissent between two age groups. It has become society’s concern and questions whether it causes any conflict and disharmony difficultly to solve. The purposes of this article are to examine the political perspective and expression of two age groups and to explain the phenomena, gap, and difference of political thought of two age groups through Sociology Theory in different schools of thought: Phenomenology Theory and Cultural Ecology Theory. According to review literature and point of view of academicians in politics and government, and sociology, it found that political perspective and expression of two age groups; the first group: most of the baby boomer, generation X, and some generation Y that has the subject-participant culture perspective are bored political issue and not interested in political participation. The second group: some generation Y and generation Z that have the participant political culture perspective are increasingly interested in political issues, have the courage to give their opinion in public and encourage political activities creatively to create political change. To explain phenomena through Phenomenology Theory found that the gap and different thoughts of politics of each age group is a result of different experiences and perceptions causing clearly different political behavior and expression. According to Cultural Ecology Theory, it pays attention to different environments causing different political adjustments and expression of each age group, especially information technology development.

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How to Cite
Jai-aree, A., & Janchula, N. . (2023). Analysis of Case Study Based on Sociological Theory in Different School of Thoughts: The Gap and Different Thoughts of Politics of Two Age Groups. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(1), 243–258. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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