Motivation which Affects the Efficiency in Operation of the Personnel towards the Local Government in Khain-sa District, Suratthani Province

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Chatcharin Thongmomram
Boon-Anan Phinaitrup


This study aim to study of Motivation which affects the efficiency in operation of the Personnel towards the Local Government in Khain-sa District, Suratthani Province. The specific purposes of the studying included determining the affects of efficiency in operation on individual factors, motivators factors and hygiene factors in Personnel towards the Local Government in Khain-sa District, Suratthani Province. This research uses questionnaires as a tool for data collection. The sample group is 145 personnels towards the Local Government in Khain-sa District, Suratthani Province. The study found overall motivation and efficiency of work performance is in the high level. And from the efficiency comparison of personnel performance classified by individual factors, found that gender, education level, position and income with different performance, different performance with statistical significance at the level of 0.05. And the motivation test results that affect the performance of personnel found out that Work Itself and responsibility and the hygiene test results that affect the performance of personnel found out that Policy and administration and Salary for work affects the efficiency in operation of the personnel towards the Local Government in Khain-sa District, Suratthani Province

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Thongmomram, C. ., & Phinaitrup, B.-A. . (2021). Motivation which Affects the Efficiency in Operation of the Personnel towards the Local Government in Khain-sa District, Suratthani Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(1), 118–139. retrieved from
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