Movement and political behavior of candidates for the House of Representatives in Kalasin province

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Kathanyoo Kaewhanam
Phimlikid Kaewhanam


The research aims to study movement and political behavior of candidates for the house of representatives in Kalasin province. This research is a qualitative research based on phenomenal folklore to obtain educational information based on election behavior studies. Under the context of a dynamic political structure by creating a general conclusion that is connected by empirical observation and using interpretation to analyze the results of studies, the study found that political movements forms which were 1) Campaign labeling It is common in all provinces. 2) Campaign speeches are held in two areas at the electoral district and community level. 3) The area is located in the form of a knock on the door of the house, since each area of Kalasin province is not very large. A small number of people make knocking on the door of the house, campaigning can also be done with a kindred culture. 4) Using a campaign car is a convenient and easy-to-reach form of target., There are two forms of political behavior 1) Open behavior is a legitimate behavior, 2) secret behavior, illegal behavior, such as buying voice sales rights, hiring a scorehead.

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How to Cite
Kaewhanam, K. ., & Kaewhanam, P. . (2020). Movement and political behavior of candidates for the House of Representatives in Kalasin province . Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(3), 190–205. retrieved from
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