Guidelines for Improving in the Civil Registration Opertion of Phon Charoen Registration Local Office Buengkan

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Jinnipa Sangkansan
Piyapong Boossabong


The aims of this research are: 1) to study the problems in relation to the civil  registration operation of the local registration office of Phon-charoen municipality, Phon-charoen district, Buengkan province; and 2) to study the guidelines for improving the civil registration operation of aforementioned local registration office. Sample groups include a group of laypeople within Phon-charoen municipality, and a group of staff of Phon-charoen municipality who were specific purposive selected to give an interview as they involved with registration operation. The research instruments for collecting data include a five-level rating scale questionnaire, which Cronbach's alpha is 0.86, and an in-depth interview form. The statistics used for analyzing data are percentage, mean and standard deviation.  This study found that 1) in overview problems in relation to the civil registration operation of the local registration office of Phon-charoen municipality were in the moderate level. The problems could be ranked from highest to lowest average scores as follows; the quality of services, operational equipment, manpower, and building facilities. Meanwhile, 2) the main guideline for improving the civil registration operation of aforementioned local registration office was that the government should completely transfer such obligation including the transfer of other general registration tasks and household registration task. Besides, the government should support local government in order to be able to establish their own registration office separately from the district registration office with the purpose of providing more properly services and convenience to local people who live nearby the local government office. This information could be advantage for finding the proper and effective solution to develop the better capacity of ongoing registration operation of local government.

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How to Cite
Sangkansan, J. ., & Boossabong, P. . (2020). Guidelines for Improving in the Civil Registration Opertion of Phon Charoen Registration Local Office Buengkan. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(3), 177–189. retrieved from
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