Administration of Myanmarese Nationals Working in Samut Sakhon Province

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Kanya Srisawat
Pipob Vachung Ngern
Atiporn Gerdruang


The Research on Management of Burmese migrant workers by Thai entrepreneurs in Samut Sakhon Province has the following objectives: 1. to study the management of Burmese migrant workers by Thai entrepreneurs in Samut Sakhon Province; 2. to study the factors that affect the management of Burmese migrant workers by Thai entrepreneurs in Samut Sakhon Province; and 3. to study the relationship between the factors affecting the management of Burmese migrant workers by Thai entrepreneurs in Samut Sakhon Province. A mixed methodological approach was used. The sample group was 400 out of the 90,000 Burmese industrial workers currently working in Thailand (population statistics, 2017) (Yamane, 2014). The overall picture shows a high level in each item. Psychological factors has the highest mean, followed by social and economic factors. In addition, results show environmental factors, social and economic factors, psychological factors and the management of Burmese migrant workers at the statistical significance level of .01. Results suggest that Burmese migrant labor management by Thai entrepreneurs in Samut Sakhon Province should follow a master plan with clear strategies because each area requires a different approach. The state should support the protection of foreign workers who are legally registered, especially with regard to the rate of wages. The state should also maintain a comprehensive foreign labor database with measures in terms of laws.

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How to Cite
Srisawat, K. ., Vachung Ngern, P. ., & Gerdruang, A. . (2020). Administration of Myanmarese Nationals Working in Samut Sakhon Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(3), 88–119. retrieved from
Research Articles


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