Military Business of Tatmadaw during General Ne Win Regime (1962-1988)

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Anekchai Rueangrattanakorn


The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the business of Myanmar Armed Forces or Tatmadaw during General Ne Win Regime (1962-1988). This documentary research is conducted by applying the Ruler Military Domination by Ayesha Siddiqa, from SOAS University of London, as a framework. The study showed that during General Ne Win Regime (1962-1988), the role of Tatmadaw was in the form of ‘Ruler Military Domination’. Having important roles in preventing internal threats and conflicts of political crisis, the Tatmadaw perceived themselves as a main actor in building the unity of the nation since the national independence. These led to the absolute domination of the country, especially in politics. The Tatmadaw used the political power for consolidating and expanding their independent economic base. Several Burmese businesses, both individuals and institutions, were monopolized. More importantly, they abused the state power to corrupt and maintain their political power and connections. Furthermore, they conducted three unofficial businesses; taking control of foreigner merchants’ businesses, involving in black market, and engaging in narcotic drugs trafficking. The Tatmadaw, nevertheless, had no intention to create the favorable and strong economic system for Burmese.

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How to Cite
Rueangrattanakorn, A. . (2020). Military Business of Tatmadaw during General Ne Win Regime (1962-1988). Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(3), 19–39. retrieved from
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