Influencing factors for low academic achievement by students in the College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University

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Nuntanop Khempet


The objectives of this study are 1) to study the influencing factors for low academic achievement by students studying in the College of Politics and Governance, and 2) to identify the guidelines for improvement of academic achievement by students in the College of Politics and Governance. This study is a quantitative research with the samples comprised of 360 students in the College of Politics and Governance during the 2017 academic year. The data collection tool is a questionnaire, while analysis is done by using statistical data consisting of frequency, percentage, and S.D. by applying SPSS. From the study, the general attitude for low academic achievement by students in the College of Politics and Governance is intermediate. Considering each section for student, teacher, family, internal and external university environment, and friend relationship provides intermediate results. The section with the highest average value is students (x ̅=3.46), followed by family (x ̅=3.32), internal university environment (x ̅= 2.98), teacher (x ̅=2.92), and friend relationship (x ̅=2.91). The section with the lowest average value is external university environment (x ̅=2.72). The suggestions for development of academic achievement by students in the College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University can be concluded as follows: 1. Students have to be prepared before study; 2. Teachers should prepare the lesson media according to the lesson material; 3. Family issues affecting academic achievement, such as income and internal problems, should be resolved; 4. External university environment has numerous motorcycles, causing inconvenience in transportation issues; 5. Internal university environment is lacking a sufficient number of classes; and 6. The characteristics of good friendships should comprise paying attention in class, teamwork, and adaptation to various learning scenarios.

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How to Cite
Khempet, N. . . (2020). Influencing factors for low academic achievement by students in the College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(2), 221–239. Retrieved from
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