Changes and adaptation of communities in Khon Kaen municipality towards ASEAN Community

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Nuttapol Sankam
Li Renliang


The purpose of this research aims to study the changes and adaptation of the community after becoming a part of ASEAN Community. A qualitative research method is conducted through the use of semi-structured interviews. Data collection is performed by 15 respondants, including villagers, community leaders (formal and informal leaders). This article is analyzed by a comparative approach between theory and context.The study indicates that the ASEAN Community has become officially, the community in Khon Kaen municipality where has changed and adjusted in many aspects. Due to political and security aspects, this area becomes still obstacles, especially immigration and drug problems. In the economic aspect, the community has been affected by large-scale developments from the state policies which implement a transportation hub. There are twin railway and high-speed train projects linking domestic and international transports. In terms of social and culture aspects, an increase of migrant workers from neighbor countries affect to cultural clashes. Moreover, there are many recommendations for policy implementation. First, the restriction of immigration and surveillance of illegal drugs have not to only manipulate seriously but also strengthen community participation as a part of development of governmental activities. In the aspect of economy, community should be encouraged to produce a wide range of products and services for exporting to new markets in neighbor countries such as China and Indochina countries. Finally, a mutual understanding of ASEAN culture should be promoted in order to reduce the impact of cultural clashes between local people, migrant workers and tourists.

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How to Cite
Sankam, N. . ., & Renliang, L. . (2020). Changes and adaptation of communities in Khon Kaen municipality towards ASEAN Community. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(2), 140–152. retrieved from
Research Articles


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