The Result of the Policy Implementation of the Special Economic Zone Policy: A Case of Sa Kaeo Province

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Chittapol Chaimadan


This research aimed to: 1) study the implementation of the Special Economic Zone Policy in Sa Kaeo province from 2014-2016; 2) study the problems and obstacles in the implementation of the Special Economic Zone Policy in Sa Kaeo Province; 3) study the perception and participation of people in the implementation of the Special Economic Zone Policy in Sa Kaeo Province; and 4) study the development guidelines of the implementation of the Special Economic Zone Policy in Sa Kaeo Province. Data were collected from documents, interviews and questionnaires. The results of the study found that: 1. In terms of the policy implementation, all aspects, including context, input, process, and product aspects were appropriate in accordance with the efficiently established operational plan. 2. There were 6 problems and obstacles recognized in the implementation of the policy, which are outlined as follows: (1) There were not enough personnel. (2) Public relations lacked modernity and continuity. (3) People had a lack of involvement in the operation. (4) Rules and procedures for import and export between Thailand and Cambodia differed in some respects. (5) There were delays in the operation of contractors and litigation of land intruders. (6) A non-confidence of investors caused was by a delay in the operations at the Special Economic Zone and creating a city plan. 3. Most people perceived the implementation policy as 81.70 %. Most people were involved in some meetings, public hearings, comments and offered requirements for development according to policy. 4. The development of the guidelines of the policy implementation were as follows: (1) To improve and develop investment information; (2) To set up a strategic plan for the development of Sa Kaeo Special Economic Zone; (3) To create awareness and promote people’s participation; and (4) To push ahead with the concept of the model of specific area management to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the policy implementation.

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How to Cite
Chaimadan, C. . (2020). The Result of the Policy Implementation of the Special Economic Zone Policy: A Case of Sa Kaeo Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(2), 48–66. retrieved from
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