Knowledge and Understanding of Financial and Accounting Operations by Finance and Accounting Officers at Mahasarakham University

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Naphaphorn Oudomlap


This study aims to 1) study the knowledge, understanding, laws, regulations and announcements necessary to perform financial and accounting tasks  2) Study financial and accounting management in the process and principles of financial and accounting  3) Study quality control in finance and accounting. The commitment to maintain the quality of the work to meet the standards set. They can find solutions to obstacles in the financial and accounting operations. At present, the turnover rate for officers at Mahasarakham University is high, especially since the university ecentralizes financial management and budget management to sub-departments. Therefore, Mahasarakham University needs to have effective, transparent and verifiable financial management, as well as accounting management and public procurement. The financial and accounting operations of Mahasarakham University involve numerous related conditions and regulations. Moreover, experience and expertise are required to be able to follow the conditions and regulations correctly. Therefore, the author is interested in studying the knowledge and understanding of financial and accounting operations by finance and accounting officers at Mahasarakham University. This is achievable by collecting data from 110 finance and accounting officers at Mahasarakham University using a questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The statistics are T-Test, F-Test (ANOVA and MANOVA), and Focus Group. From the study, finance and accounting officers highly agree with the need for knowledge and understanding in financial and accounting operations, which consist of legal compliance with finance and accounting regulations, financial and accounting management, and quality control of financial and accounting operations. In conclusion, finance and accounting officers should prioritize knowledge and understanding of financial and accounting operations utilizing the appropriate regulations and conditions, including operation sequences for the achievement of work and quality according to set standards. Moreover, they should prioritize the reading of operational documents and information interpretation related to the laws, regulations, and commands for correct and precise work effectively.

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How to Cite
Oudomlap, N. . . (2020). Knowledge and Understanding of Financial and Accounting Operations by Finance and Accounting Officers at Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(1), 238–252. retrieved from
Research Articles


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