Attitude on Academic Promotion of academics staff at College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University

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Chirawan Bunkhampha


The purposes of this research are (1) to examine attitude of academic staff at College of Politics and Governance (COPAG), Mahasarakharm University on academic promotion and (2) to propose recommendations for academic promotion of those academic staff. In this study, both general and academic promotion data was collected from 25 participants of COPAG through questionnaires. The statistical methods were employed for data analysis. The 25 participants include 20 lectures and 5 assistant professors. Results show that their attitude on professional development is at a high level, for example, a continuous professional development for a lifetime of the academic staff reflects an academic progressing, ability; and the development of academic skills and expertise. Attitude on academic promotion is at moderate level. It is found that the current workloads affect an academic performance. COPAG has financial support in conducting research. In addition, the attitude considered for academic promotion should be evaluated on lecturer’s experiences, but not on academic work presentation. Overall, compared to the lecturers, the assistant professors have better understanding of rules regarding academic promotion. Only they need is to consider an additional rules being adjusted each year. This is due to the assistant professors have extensive experience on the academic promotion procedures.

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How to Cite
Bunkhampha, C. . (2020). Attitude on Academic Promotion of academics staff at College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(1), 224–237. retrieved from
Research Articles


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