Study on Personnel Potential for Preparation to Enter into a Happy Organization in the Lower Northern Cluster (Phitsanulok, Phichit, Phetchabun and Sukhothai)

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Boonlada Kunavetchakij
Norakamon Laorodphan
Phakaraphon Sangngern


The objective of this research is to identify the ideal content that should be considered in the creation of a happy workplace course, specifically for undergraduate students in the Northern region who are majoring in business administration. The purpose of this course is to ensure that students will be prepared to work in a happy organization in the Lower Northern Cluster (Phitsanulok, Phichit, Phetchabun and Sukhothai). In this study, the researcher conducted qualitative research including in-depth interviews and focus groups, utilizing the Delphi technique. The target group was comprised of 23 senior executive personnel in higher and middle-lower levels, including the operational level. Based on the findings, experts commented that course content should include knowledge in various fields to ensure the students’ readiness to work in a happy organization and that this subject should be included in the Human Resource Management Curriculum of Business Administration Department. The suggested content of the happy workplace course, then, can be divided into the following lessons: 1) Being open-minded 2) Understanding the nature of organization, 3) Patience, positive thinking, forgiveness, 4) Happy workplace culture, 5) Happy workplace leader, 6) Happy workplace policy, 7) Dealing with difficult people, 8) Happy workplace communication, 9) Considering that the problem is not a problem, 10) Creating common goals, 11) Self-Esteem, and 12) Public-focused mindset. The 12 suggested lessons for this course were created based on the priorities and necessities of knowledge for employees and organizations as recommended by specialists. This content is expected to increase engagement and improve loyalty in the organization. The results of this research can be applied to curriculum development for undergraduate courses, particularly the major in Human Resource Management within the Business Administration Department, so that students will be prepared to work in a happy workplace, leading to organization sustainability.

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Kunavetchakij, B. ., Laorodphan, N. ., & Sangngern, P. . (2020). Study on Personnel Potential for Preparation to Enter into a Happy Organization in the Lower Northern Cluster (Phitsanulok, Phichit, Phetchabun and Sukhothai). Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(1), 191–223. retrieved from
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