Collaborative Networks in Water Management for Agriculture in Baan Tha Ngoi, Bung Wai Sub-district, Warin Chamrap District, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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Theerapol Pongbua
Achakorn Wongpreedee


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the processes that drive the collaborative networks in water management for agriculture in Baan Tha Ngoi, Bung Wai Sub-district, Warin Chamrap District, Ubon Ratchathani Province, and 2) study the types of collaborative networks related to water management in Baan Tha Ngoi, Bung Wai Sub-district, Warin Chamrap District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Using qualitative research methodology, the research found that the main process that resulted in the collaborative networks was agricultural flooding during the rainy season. The farmers changed to off-season using supportive pumping stations and irrigation canals from the Royal Irrigation Department. While there was an irrigation system, it could not be sustained because the Royal Irrigation Department and local government organizations lacked sufficient budget support. The problem was solved through research for local development, in which farmers joined researchers and held discussions between relevant agencies until reaching mutual agreement for the Provincial Administrative Organization to transfer missions from the Royal Irrigation Department. Two types of collaborative networks were identified: 1) collaborative networks in practice between farmers. Farmers play a key role in water management for agriculture; 2) a collaborative network policy between Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Administrative Organization, Ubon Ratchathani University, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University and the Thailand Research Fund. This network plays an important role as a supporter of knowledge, materials, personnel and funding. With both collaborative networks, farmers and local government organizations can develop, manage, and enhance citizenship. A collaborative networking process is critical to enhancing and developing agricultural water management by the community.

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How to Cite
Pongbua, T. ., & Wongpreedee, A. . (2020). Collaborative Networks in Water Management for Agriculture in Baan Tha Ngoi, Bung Wai Sub-district, Warin Chamrap District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(1), 91–107. retrieved from
Research Articles


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