Factors Affecting the Achievement of the Transfer Mission of Sub-district Health Promotion Hospitals to Local Government Organizations in Roi Et Province

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Napatsaporn Choengsa-ard
Sitthiporn Soonthorn
Saowaluk Nikornpittaya


This research paper incorporated both qualitative and quantitative methodology in the study of 5 principal objectives as factors affecting the achievement of the transfer of sub-district health promotion hospitals to local organizations in Roi Et Province. A questionnaire approach was used to obtain quantitative information from 396 subjects who operated as personnel under local government organizations, community leaders, personnel under the sub-district health promotion hospitals, and village health volunteers. A questionnaire was drafted to incorporate areas specific to the aim of the thesis paper. Qualitative analysis was conducted using a much smaller sample size extracted from the initial quantitative group. This was narrowed down to a specific target group of 20 participants for in-depth interviews and 18 participants were selected for focus group discussions. This method facilitated a comparative analysis to determine levels of achievement. Data results can be utilized to improve areas where the performance of our mission is lacking. Details of the research findings are supported by data in the form of tables and pattern. The various analytical methods employed showed that there was a high factor correlation level among the target group concerning 1) Policy, 2) Public participation, 3) Personnel administration, and 4) Budgeting. The in-depth interviews and focus group discussions determined a further 10 factors as 1) Policy, 2) Personnel administration 3) Budgeting, 4) Public participation, 5) Management structure, 6) Personnel relationships, 7) Confidence in personnel, 8) Organization size, 9) Personal benefits, and 10) Common values that all impacted the success of the transfer mission.

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How to Cite
Choengsa-ard, N. ., Soonthorn, S. ., & Nikornpittaya, S. . (2022). Factors Affecting the Achievement of the Transfer Mission of Sub-district Health Promotion Hospitals to Local Government Organizations in Roi Et Province . Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(3), 112–126. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/237574
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