Reclining Buddha: Conservation and Restoration by Participation of the Community in the Northeast of Thailand

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PraSubin Khawduesee
Sastra Laoakka
Sitthisak Champadaeng


The Reclining Buddha was one of crucial statuary patterns of Buddha images in the study of history - archaeology. Reclining Buddha images were spiritual anchors for northeastern people for a long time. The study of the Reclining Buddha history and the enhancement of community participation would be important for conservation of Buddhism. This qualitative research aimed to study the history of Reclining Buddha images and sculptures in the northeastern part of Thailand, and to find out a guideline for community participation in preserving and restoring the Reclining Buddha images. The data were collected through document analysis, surveys, interviews, participant observations, and focus group guidelines. Participants were key informants, general informants, and general informants from five provinces in the northeastern part of Thailand. Then, the collected data were verified by the triangulation technique. The study revealed that the Reclining Buddha images in the northeastern part of Thailand could be divided into three main periods: the Dvaravati period, the folk art period, and the present period. The Reclining Buddha characteristics were the combinations of thirty-two characteristics of a Great Man (Mahapurusa Laksana) and local arts. The communities played important roles in conservation and restoration of the Reclining Buddha images with the support from local organizations. To conserve these cultural heritages, the stakeholders should enhance conservation activities, academic activities, and travel activities. Moreover, the development of Buddhism temples to be cultural learning centers would provide more tourist attractions that made more incomes to the communities.

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How to Cite
Khawduesee, P., Laoakka, S., & Champadaeng, S. (2019). Reclining Buddha: Conservation and Restoration by Participation of the Community in the Northeast of Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(1), 203–209. retrieved from
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