Uses and Needs of Information Resources for Research Studies and Thesis Writing of Graduate Students: The Case Study College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University

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พมลพร ทองโรจน์


The research was to study about Uses and Needs of Information Resources for Research Studies and Thesis Writing of Graduate Students of College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University. The tool employed for this study was questionnaire. The Purpose of this research was to study the uses of information, information needs and problems in using information for study and thesis of graduate students of College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University. The research findings revealed that in the aspect of information used information in the aspect of contents at moderate level and an average of 3.16. The most subject that they needed at much level were Social Science and an average of 3.50. The kind of format they needed it at moderate level and an average of 3.04. In the aspect of information access, it was found that they needed at moderate level and an average of 3.27. In the aspect of information uses, it was found that most graduate student used information in the aspect of contents at moderate level and an average of 3.36. In the aspect of the used of information format at much level and an average 3.74. In the aspect of information access, they accessed at much level and an average 3.96. For the problems of information use at moderate level an average 3.10

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How to Cite
ทองโรจน์ พ. (2019). Uses and Needs of Information Resources for Research Studies and Thesis Writing of Graduate Students: The Case Study College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(1), 25–38. retrieved from
Research Articles


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