Management and Problems in publishing academic Journal: The Case Study of Journal of Politics and Governance

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กวินทร์ พิมจันนา


Academic journals are important as mediatory for disseminating knowledge, ideas, and developments from research and movement. The diversity of reading science is essential to keep track of new knowledge in the field of research and dissemination to the academic community. And the target of community to use the results of the research to take advantage College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University become aware of the mission to be a gathering source. To disseminate knowledge and ideas in form academic articles, research papers, opinions, criticism, and dissemination of academic knowledge of the political science. Including a mission to promote the system. Support for research, collection, dissemination and share and learn in the results of these studies to broad readers. It is very valuable to study. In the study guide, operating manual: Journal of Politics and Government. Make a systematic approach to the operation of the journal system to ensure systematic operation. Workers can perform system atically and have a same standards. Practitioners can operate and method of and work and make the journals, perform the tasks as prescribed and consistent of the policy. The purpose of the journal and administrators can use it to efficiently manage their journals

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How to Cite
พิมจันนา ก. (2019). Management and Problems in publishing academic Journal: The Case Study of Journal of Politics and Governance. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(1), 1–24. retrieved from
Research Articles


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