The policy implementation of the Council of Cultural Affairs A case study on the Sub-district cultural councils in Samutsakorn province

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พรรณสุภา โพธิ์ย้อย
ณัฐกริช เปาอินทร์


The objective of this research is to study the success of the policy implementation of the council of cultural affairs. In this research, the sub-district cultural councils in Samutsakorn province were especially selected to study. Furthermore, the impact factors in this success are considered to suggest and improve the policy implementation associated to the cultural council. The methodology was used a combination between the quantitative and qualitative research. The study found that the achievement of the policy implementation of the council of cultural affairs is excellent level. However, this policy was executed a lack of the operation as a network with province and district level. Moreover, the procedures are also difficult operations due to the various affecting factors. The accomplishment in applying the cultural Council Policy depends on 4 important factors. These factors are sorted by the priority including the communications, the aims and the objectives of the policy, the personnel using the policy and the environment, respectively whereas the budget and the leader did not have a significant influence on the success. The cooperation between the cultural councils of the district government agencies, private sectors and citizen living in this area should be promoted and developed in order to reinforce the strengthen of the cultural councils by driving to occur the agreement. Also, the regulation ought to be officially set to apply together. In addition, the strategic planning should be defined evidently for improving the provincial cultural council and all sections of the council of cultural affairs should be supported to organize the project planning to ask for a budget support from the related authorities. By mean of such projects have to be required by the local community.

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โพธิ์ย้อย พ., & เปาอินทร์ ณ. (2018). The policy implementation of the Council of Cultural Affairs A case study on the Sub-district cultural councils in Samutsakorn province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 8(3), 132–151. retrieved from
Research Articles


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