Feasibility Study of Agro-tourism management of BorkaeBorthong Village, Loengfaek Sub-district, Kut Rang District, Maha Sarakham Province

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จีรศักดิ์ โพกาวิน


The objective of this research was to study the feasibility of Agro-tourism management of BorkaeBorthong Village, Loengfaek Sub-district, Kut Rang District, Maha Sarakham Province. Using a mixed/ research design of quantitative and qualitative method, the sampling was 113 samples; 13 key informants and 100 villagers . The research instruments were interviews and questionnaires. The results of the questionnaire showed that most of villagers were female, age 55 years old and over, they were married, graduated a primary school, their occupation was a farmer. And their incomes were less the 5,000 THB per month. The results showed that four indicators of feasibility of agro-tourism management of BorkaeBorthong Village. It was found that the village was able to be an agro-tourism village 50 percent. It was unable to be an agro-tourism village 38 percent and the minimum is not sure about the possibility of agro-tourism village 12 percent. The results of the interview showed that there were different opinions on the possibility of agro-tourism management of BorkaeBorthong village. The agree group showed that the village had a possibility to be the agro-tourism village because there had social capital, local wisdom and network of educational institutions. The disagree group showed that the village had an impossibility to be the agro-tourism village because of the availability of the community it was quite low. Also there was no preparing for accommodation and vehicles were available for tourists. And also the lack of budget support in the management of agro-tourism, as well as a lack of external networks to support, to educate for villagers in regard to manage agro-tourism. Thus agro-tourism development occurs in the village was quite impossible.

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How to Cite
โพกาวิน จ. (2018). Feasibility Study of Agro-tourism management of BorkaeBorthong Village, Loengfaek Sub-district, Kut Rang District, Maha Sarakham Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 8(3), 110–131. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/162246
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