The Development of Driving a Community Plan and a Local Development Plan in the Context of Thailand

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กตัญญู แก้วหานาม
พิมพ์ลิขิต แก้วหานาม


This article’s purpose is to study the Development and Driver Community Plans with Local Development Plans in the Context of Thailand. This is a documentary research whose data was synthesized and processed for explanatory purposes.This research aimed local development plans with the ministry of the interior regulations on development plan of local government organizations, 2018 changing from “four-year local development plan" to “local development plan”. This is strictly followed by law through the 12-step process. In the area of ​​propulsion, the community plan is linked to the initial stage of preparation for the local development plan. So local people can use the community plan to share the potential of the local, collect information and problems. The development plan is clear and effective in responding to public service delivery.


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How to Cite
แก้วหานาม ก., & แก้วหานาม พ. (2019). The Development of Driving a Community Plan and a Local Development Plan in the Context of Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(1), 93–110. retrieved from
Research Articles


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