The Evolution of Public Administration Science from the Administration - Political Dichotomy to the New Public Governance : Analysis Based on Accumulative Model

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ยศธร ทวีพล
กมลพร สอนศรี
รัฐศิรินทร์ วังกานนท์
โชคชัย สุทธาเวศ


This paper aims to (1) describe development of public administration science from the administration-political dichotomy to the new public governance based on the accumulative model and (2) directed evolution of the public administration science in the future. The study suggests how the public administration science shapes certain educational views in the public administration science such as the change of the public role from the secondary role in the study group concerning the administration-political dichotomy to the primary role in the study group. It has been suggested that the evolution of public administration science requires development and study on other issues such as professional, ethics in public administration and organizational culture which are essential but have not been studied and developed in the study on public administration science. The development of public administration science should be carried out in collaboration with both national and international scholars and practitioner by relying on the combination of qualitative and quantitative research on public administration science in order to create strength in the study on public administration science until it becomes the strong awareness in the public administration science.

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How to Cite
ทวีพล ย., สอนศรี ก., วังกานนท์ ร., & สุทธาเวศ โ. (2017). The Evolution of Public Administration Science from the Administration - Political Dichotomy to the New Public Governance : Analysis Based on Accumulative Model. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(3), 211–231. Retrieved from
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