Good Governance in General Election Managed by the Pattani Provincial Election Committee

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พันธุ์พิพิธ พิพิธพันธุ์


This research aimed to study and evaluate the performance of the Pattani Provincial Election Committee concerning the General Election on December 23, 2007, under the 2007 constitution, with regard to its transparency, impartiality, accountability, efficiency, and general public’s participation. The data for this study consisted of the provincial basic facts related to the election, information about political context of the province, and details of the Pattani Provincial Committee’s mission, which were classified into 3 periods: pre-voting, voting management, and post-voting management. The subjects were chosen through purposive sampling from organizations responsible for the election management and stakeholders. The study found that the Pattani Provincial Committee publicized electoral information to people and political parties thoroughly and transparently including explaining information to people and political parties regarding no understand election law. For the controlling the election independently and impartially, the Pattani Provincial Committee could be nonaligned without any complaint from people on the inappropriate behavior of state official and election commission at polling station. Moreover, people highly participated in the election more than 70 %. However, civil society organizations exposed that there was obstacle on performing the Pattani Provincial Committee’s duty with no clearly participation of civil society organizations on investigation the election.

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How to Cite
พิพิธพันธุ์ พ. (2017). Good Governance in General Election Managed by the Pattani Provincial Election Committee. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(3), 33–52. retrieved from
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