Local Government's Policy and Measures on Non - traditional Security Management in the East of Thailand

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ชูวงศ์ อุบาลี


The purposes of this study were to study the efficiency of mechanism to manage Non-Tradition security, and to propose policy recommendations for supporting strength in local government organization participation on Thai – Cambodian border zone. This research collected data via study documentary, in – depth interview, and observation. Data were analyzed using classified and related to phenomenon and interpretation. The results of the study were as follow:
1) to enhance participation of mechanisms to manage efficiency in coping with Non-Tradition security in the following areas: (1) to enhance negotiation skills (2) to measure administration efficiency (3) to measure for reducing its annual expenditure budget (4) to explore economic development (5) to evaluate the results of the economic plan (6) to promote economic activities to the public (7) to determine the direction of development of the area corresponding to the community context (8) to prepare cooperation agreements (9) to create an engagement process (10) to manage international relations activities and (11) to measure coordination in practice. 2) The public policy to increase participation in local government organization on Thai-Cambodian border Zone to manage problems of Non-Traditional security include: (1) to improve the legal administration (2) to propose political participation (3) to define a public policy (4) to develop policy areas corresponding to community context, based on a balanced use of natural resources (5) to promote the economic activities of the local community, along with the development of area of special economic zone (6) to adjust land management policies (7) to adopt price controls on agricultural productivity (8) to increase policy development capacity of local governments to provide income (9) to improve the law to facilitate the creation of revenue for local governments (10) to support collaboration with management problems at all levels (11) to engage in policy integration of local authorities (12) to promote the participation of all sectors: and (13) to create a strong sense of citizenship border.

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How to Cite
อุบาลี ช. (2017). Local Government’s Policy and Measures on Non - traditional Security Management in the East of Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(3), 53–62. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/156947
Research Articles


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