Causes of Graduate Student Dropouts at College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University

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วรินทร รัชโพธิ์


The objective of this research was to investigate causes of graduate student dropouts at College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. The population used in this study was student at the graduate level. College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. By group divide was usually student group and state passed student already applied for studied. The questionnaire tools used in this research.The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean and frequency. The results of this study, it was found that the data for the sample most were 18 male (64.28 percent) and 10 female (35.72 percent), For student group was 19 usually student (67.86 percent) and 9 state passed student already applied for studied (32.14 percent). For opinion of students to causes of graduate student dropouts at College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University was ranked the dropout causes in this order : learner subscale, instructor subscale, family and surrounding persons subscale and environment of the educational institute. The main causes of each subscale were found. In the learner subscale, there were the study program irrelevant to the students learning aptitude and lack of preparation for the test. In the family and surrounding persons subscale there were having no close friends in the assigned faculty and inadequate fund for study due to poor family. In the instructor subscale there were the instructor’s seriously teaching and unclear assignments or exercise due to unexplained by the instructor. And in the environment of the educational institute subscale there were inadequate educational funds for needy students and unclear and limited publication of educational data from the College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University.

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How to Cite
รัชโพธิ์ ว. (2017). Causes of Graduate Student Dropouts at College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(2), 335–346. retrieved from
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