Community Justice Process Reform in the Southernmost Provinces

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สุรชัย ไวยวรรณจิตร
มูฮำหมัดราพีร์ มะเก็ง
โชคชัย ศุภภิญโญ
สุไรยา หนิเร่
มาหะมะดารี แวโนะ


This study titled “Community Justice Process Reform in the Southernmost provinces” aimed i) to investigate the levels of knowledge and roles of people’s participation towards community justice process reform in the southernmost provinces, ii) to examine the community justice process of the previous relevant organizations in the southernmost provinces, and iii) to know guidelines for the community justice process reform in the area presenting to public and to consider as determination of the upcoming constitutional reform. The findings are shown as follows: According to the levels of knowledge concerning the justice process reform of the people in the area, most of them prioritize activities related to justice and crime prevention that each each justice-related organization collaborating with the communities, Concerning the roles of the people’s participation, the study revealed that the prevention of committing crimes, promoting community potentiality and emphasizing on the life quality of people in the communities. These are ultimate goals of the implementation of community justice, In addition to these, all the community problems can be solved by communities for communities themselves.Previous community justice processes were managed by the people themselves in the communities without formal process systems. These adhered to how their ancestors did in the past namely ‘Kampong Method’. The guidelines for the community justice process reform under diverse societies, religions and cultures which are diverse should be based on the understanding of social contexts through the consultation process for the mutual understanding of community members towards justice process. Literally, they should initiate and cooperate among themselves in solving the community problems.

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ไวยวรรณจิตร ส., มะเก็ง ม., ศุภภิญโญ โ., หนิเร่ ส., & แวโนะ ม. (2017). Community Justice Process Reform in the Southernmost Provinces. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(2), 195–210. retrieved from
Research Articles


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