Communicating Climate Change: Issues ahead and Action Needed in Himalayan Regions

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Achyut P. Adhhikari


Action on climate change consists of two complementary elements. Mitigation is concerned with the causes of global warming and calls for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. While adaptation is concerned with the impacts of a changing climate on society, the economy and the environment, and promotes activities to reduce vulnerability to extreme weather events and other longer term changes in our climate. This strategy looks to how to communicate both the mitigation and adaptation agendas. Effective communication on climate change policy is therefore necessary in order to gain public support and thus reduce GHG emissions. The research is based on questionnaire, a critical literature review, policy analysis, interview, questionnaire survey, observations and reflections. Even though climate change is a matter of great scientific relevance and of broad general interest, there are some problems related to its communication. The purpose of this paper is to outline some of the problems inherent to the communication of climate change, list some of the challenges ahead and describe some of the action needed in order to allow it to be better and more widely communicated.

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Adhhikari, A. P. (2017). Communicating Climate Change: Issues ahead and Action Needed in Himalayan Regions. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(2), 80–96. retrieved from
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