Joko Widodo’s Leadership

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Withaya Sucharithanarugse


After more than over a year in office, approval rating of President Joko Widodo by middle of February 2016 was 84.4%, an all-time high. This opinion survey by Kompas daily shows that people think that he has done a good job and people are impresses by Jokowi’s personal communication style. Popularity associated with Joko Widodo dated back to the time he served as governor at Jakarta and mayor of Surakarta. Popularity he earned was due to his leadership in enhancing successful changes in two locations, particularly in Surakarta. Fused with endeared personality, Jokowi provides vision as well as means to solve endemic problems to the satisfaction of the people. He represents a new breed of political leadership that is in need in Indonesia.

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How to Cite
Sucharithanarugse, W. (2017). Joko Widodo’s Leadership. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(2), 71–79. retrieved from
Research Articles


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