Perception of University’ Students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia , Towards Thai Socio- Economics Within ASEAN Community’s Context

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ชนาใจ หมื่นไธสง
สุกัญญา เอมอิ่มธรรม
เศกสรรค์ ยงวณิชย์


The purposes of this research are to study 1) the relationship development of socio-economic benefits between Thailand and Indonesia. 2) The understanding of socio-economics’ perception of students in a University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia relating to Thailand within ASEAN Community context. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. The study area was the perception of university’ students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, towards Thai socio- economics within ASEAN Community’s context. The units of analysis were individual level. Data were collected by in-depth interview using 9 key informants, in May-June, 2016. The content analytical method was employed for data analysis. The research found that 1) The development of relations between Thailand and Indonesia has a good basis because the conflict seems not seriously appear while Indonesia continues to focus on Thailand, especially sending Indonesian students to study in universities in Thailand. 2) The socio-economic perception of university students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia found that the staff at this university realized the importance of economic cooperation between Thailand and Indonesia, the students are interested in Thai film industry, the perception of socio, mostly impacted by the mainstream media of Thailand and people who interact with Thailand particularly in the form of technical cooperation, scholarship or student exchange and the increasing numbers of Indonesian students to Thailand.

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How to Cite
หมื่นไธสง ช., เอมอิ่มธรรม ส., & ยงวณิชย์ เ. (2017). Perception of University’ Students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia , Towards Thai Socio- Economics Within ASEAN Community’s Context. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(2), 33–47. retrieved from
Research Articles


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