Competency Development Division of Teacher Leadership
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The objectives of this research and development were 1) to study components of leadership competency development of teachers, 2) to investigate characters and behaviors of teachers’ leadership competency, 3) to create a manual of their leadership competency development and 4) to try out the manual focusing on learners’ learning achievement. Research procedures were divided into 3 phases: In Phase 1, components of teacher development at schools were studied from two sources including 1) research documents and 2) 100 sample teachers who passed the evaluation criteria required by the Teachers’ Council of Thailand. They were purposively selected. The research tool was a five-rating questionnaire with the reliability of 0.74. The statistics employed in this research were percentage, mean and standard deviation. In Phase 2, the manual for developing teachers’ leadership competency was created. Its correctness was affirmed by seven experts via structured interview, and its possibility and appropriateness was also approved by the experts. In Phrase 3, the manual was tried out by using it with 30 teachers whose teaching performance was satisfactory. The pre- and post evaluations were also made. 1. The components of teacher development consisted of five aspects : 1) armature appropriate for being teachers, 2) creative conversation, 3) personnel of changes, 4) considerable performance and 5) development for learners’ accomplishment. 2. Regarding their characters and behaviors, it was found that the majority of the samples were females (65 %) holding a professional level (73 %), B.A. degree (81 %), and having more than 10 years of teaching experiences (83%). 121-300 teachers worked at medium schools (84 %). They were ready for external assurance of leadership competency development at a high level ( = 4.18). Upon considering each aspect, it showed that two aspects i.e. considerable performance (
= 4.67) and armature appropriate for being teachers (
= 4.53) were at the highest level. However, development for learners’ accomplishment (
= 3.47) was at a moderate level. 3. The manual consisted of the following components: objectives, period of developing the table based on the teacher development curriculum, methods of development media and innovation, manual evaluation and its appropriateness and possibility approved by the experts. 4. Three steps of developing teachers: Step 1, pre-procedure, Step 2, procedure and workshop using the developed manual and Step 3, post-workshop including meetings and a questionnaire about teachers’ behaviors. Moreover, the evaluation of teachers at the schools for leadership competency after their participation in the workshop was higher than before the attending the workshop.
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