Legal Measures on Development of Quality of Life of the Elderly in Thailand

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ดวงใจ เชยชม
พรชัย เลื่อนฉวี


The objectives of this thesis were to study the concepts, principles and theories of public law related to the development of quality of life of the elderly in Thailand including the theory of rights and freedom, principles of public service provision, principle of administrative decentralization, theory of public participation as well as studying the laws related to the development of quality of life of the elderly in Thailand and in foreign countries. The study also focuses on legal measures related to development of quality of life of the elderly in Thailand and presenting the conclusion along with the solutions to the problems of development of quality of life of the elderly in Thailand in the proper and correct way in accordance with the principles of the theory. This also includes resolving the problems occurring in Thailand efficiently and sustainably further.According to the study, it was found that the problems on the development of quality of life of the elderly in Thailand can be divided in three aspects. The first is that there was no legal measure related to the development of quality of life of the elderly particularly. The second was the legislative measure regarding the policy regulation to provide public services and development of the quality of life of the elderly in Thailand. The local administrative organizations are not eligible. The third is that there was no legal measure regarding the participation of citizens in improving the quality of life of the elderly. These problems have negative effects causing the elderly not to develop their quality of life as suitable. This causes the elderly which are the majority citizens of countries not to have good quality of life as there is no legal measure particularly about the development of quality of life of the elderly which was right and proper covering all areas. This includes the regulation on the policy to promote and improve the quality of life of the local administrative organizations. They are intervened by central policy causing bad effect on the local elderly directly. In addition, people are not engaged in improving the quality of life of the elderly causing the quality of life of the elderly not to be consistently developed in social aspect and not be sustainable development. Therefore, it can be seen that Thailand must apply the principles or concept of foreign countries such as French Republic, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Denmark, and Japan that have set legal measures on improving the quality of life of the elderly covering all aspects specifically. The Law requires the decentralization to local administrative organizations in setting the policies regarding the quality of life of the elderly as well as identifying the measures to focus on the public to participate in improving the quality of life of the elderly as well. If Thailand adopts the ideas of French Republic, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Denmark, and Japan, Thailand will be able to solve the issues on the development on the quality of life of the elderly correctly covering all aspects with effectiveness. Thailand will have the population with good quality of life sustainably.

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How to Cite
เชยชม ด., & เลื่อนฉวี พ. (2017). Legal Measures on Development of Quality of Life of the Elderly in Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(1), 207–227. retrieved from
Research Articles


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