Legal Problems Concerning Structure and Element of Law Reform Commission in According to Law Reform Commission Act 2010

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วิทวัส ผาบสิมมา
พรชัย เลื่อนฉวี


The objective of this study is public law concepts and theories concerning the Rule of Law, the Principle of Public Participation, and the Principle of the Establishment of State Organization and Administrative Agency, including the laws concerning the structure and the element of the Law Reform Commission, and the public participation in the operation of Law Reform Commission in foreign countries and in Thailand, pursuant to Law Reform Commission Act, B.E. 2553 (2013) in order to find solution for the legal problems under the Act for the most appropriate result. According to the study, there are legal problems relating to the structure and the element of the Law Reform Commission, including the public participation under the Law Reform Commission Act, as follows: 1) the structure and element of the Law Reform Commission; 2) the qualification and the specialization of the Law Reform Commissioners; and 3) the public participation in the operation of Law Reform Commission. The legal problems occur because the structure and element of the Law Reform Commission is required to be compliance with the balance between the legislative, the executive, and the judicial branches. Another legal problem relates to the qualification and the specialization of the Law Reform Commissioners. The lack of qualified and specialized Law Reform Commissioners will obstruct the operation of the Law Reform Commissioner under the objective of law

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How to Cite
ผาบสิมมา ว., & เลื่อนฉวี พ. (2017). Legal Problems Concerning Structure and Element of Law Reform Commission in According to Law Reform Commission Act 2010. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(1), 152–169. retrieved from
Research Articles


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