Social Impacts of Tourism in the Heritage City of Vigan, Philippines and Ayutthaya City, Thailand

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Ferdinand J. Lamarca
Chiara Ayn J. Lamarca


Both the Heritage City of Vigan, Philippines and Ayutthaya City, Thailand are inscribed in the UNESCO’s World Heritage list. Culture and heritage sites are among the notable attractions of tourists in these two cities. The purpose of this study is to identify and examine the attitudes of residents in these two cities towards tourism development. A sample was secured from the residents of the two cities. Data in Vigan City, Philippines were gathered by Ferdinand Lamarca who resides in this city while data in Ayutthaya City, Thailand were gathered by Chiara Ayn Lamarca who resides in Chonburi, Thailand. Mean was used to determine the level of agreement of the respondents on the social impacts. T-test was utilized to test the significant differences of the perception of the two sets of respondents. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the social impacts and demographic variables.

There is no significant difference in the perceptions of the respondents in Vigan City and Ayuthaya City of the social impacts of tourism. Both sets of respondents similarly agree that more tourism improves the economy; the benefits of tourism outweigh its negative impacts; tourism should play vital role in the future; tourism provides good jobs for residents; and that tourism improves the appearance of the city, among others. On the other hand, both sets of respondents similarly agree that tourism businesses are too influential politically; local government should restrict tourism; tourism has negative effect on the environment; tourism increases traffic; and that tourism leads to more litter on the streets, among others.

Concerning the relationship of social impacts and some demographic variables, in Vigan City, whether respondent is born in the city or not and the relationship of the employment to tourism industry affect significantly the social impacts. In Ayutthaya City, it is the relationship of the employment to tourism industry that affects significantly their perception of impacts.

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How to Cite
Lamarca, F. J., & Lamarca, C. A. J. (2017). Social Impacts of Tourism in the Heritage City of Vigan, Philippines and Ayutthaya City, Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(1), 118–133. retrieved from
Research Articles


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