A survey and study of Brunei Darussalam : Foreign Affairs of Brunei

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ปิยธิดา โคกโพธิ์


This study aimed to explore to examine the basics of foreign affairs of Brunei. From the past to the year of 2014. Using the framework to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) to analyze the factors which influence the foreign policy of Brunei. The study indicated that the dimensions of strengths foreign Policy of Brunei (Strengths) also strengthened by a foreign policy focused on building partnerships, promoting national interest, building economic prosperity and social. As well as promoting peace, security, stability and prosperity in the region and global. Foreign policy weaknesses (Weaknesses) to promote international business that Brunei is a small country because less populated compare with the market's trade in ASEAN countries. Brunei has specific laws establishing partnerships for business to invest in Brunei which the investors may require to understand it’s strictly regulations. Foreign policy opportunities (Opportunities) is investing opportunities includes the strengthening of internal security and coping with emergency situations, economic integration and stability of the country, as well as a role on the international level by the Sultan as the operator, causing the country growth towards international, which is to create the opportunity of foreign policy on the world stage. Foreign policy threats (Threats), there are obstacles included legislation that is also not consistent with country strategies during the preparation of some types of laws in accordance with international law such as labor law. At present, Brunei is updated according to the rules of international integration to provide standardized work and recognized by international standard work in Brunei, which is the important factor to attract foreign investors, and is featured in the international but Brunei's foreign policy has not been discussed much. From the foreign policy of Brunei of neutrality therefore influence to policy on strengthening economic relations with countries, making Brunei a global alliance and become the principles of foreign policy. Including international policies, politics and security, and the promotion of cooperation among countries. Including emphasis on peace and economic development of Brunei to sustain in global stage.

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How to Cite
โคกโพธิ์ ป. (2018). A survey and study of Brunei Darussalam : Foreign Affairs of Brunei. Journal of Politics and Governance, 8(1), 246–258. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/123294
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