The Roles of Border Trading on Community Economic Development: A Case study of Nongkhai, Nakhonphanom and Mukdahan Province

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เทพรักษ์ สุริฝ่าย
ลำปาง แม่นมาตย์


            The study aimed at 1) investigating the current conditions of border trading in the provinces of Nongkhai, Nakhonphanom and Mukdahan, 2) examining the impacts of border trading on community economic development in Nongkhai, Nakhonphanom and Mukdahan Province, and 3) studying the roles of border trading in developing the community economy in Nongkhai, Nakhonphanom and Mukdahan. The qualitative research methods were employed in the study. The data analysis were obtained from documents, research studies, academic articles, interviews, and non-participant observations from 84 public administrators, merchants or traders, purchasers or customers, and community leaders. The study discovered that border trading consisting of small-sized, mid-sized and large-sized trades of the merchants or traders residing around the borders.  The merchandises traded were mainly consumer goods and international import-export products. The purchasers or customers were foreigners, Thais living in other parts of Thailand, and the local people.  The overall findings showed that border trading had positive impacts on the development of community economy in terms of careers and employments, incomes, and people’s livelihoods. In addition, border trading had significant roles on community economic development on the subject of career promotions and high number of local employments, which lead to the reduction of migration. The international relations were also promoted regarding business contacts, product exchanges, and trade investments. The relatives’ relationships were formed from cross-cultural marriages and joining and setting up traditional festivals together.

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How to Cite
สุริฝ่าย เ., & แม่นมาตย์ ล. (2018). The Roles of Border Trading on Community Economic Development: A Case study of Nongkhai, Nakhonphanom and Mukdahan Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 8(1), 153–176. retrieved from
Research Articles