Role of the Damrongdhama District Center in Solving Inequality in Borabue District, Mahasarakham Province, Thailand

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ภรัณยู มายูร
อลงกรณ์ อรรคแสง


This study investigated the role of the Damrongdhama District Center in solving the problem of inequality in Borabue District, Mahasarakham Province (Thailand) through adopting a qualitative research technique. The purpose of this study was to study societal inequality at the district level, the role of the Damrongdhama District Center in solving these related problems, and the expectations of people on the role of solving the problems of inequality of the Borabue Damrongdhama District Center. A set of questionnaires were used as a research tool by collecting information from various documents describing complaints. This study also conducted interviews with the authorities and people who used the service centers from January 2014 to April 2016. The sample groups consisted of 17 authorities in the Borabue Damrongdhama District Center and 30 people who used the service center of the Borabue Damrongdhama District Center. The study indicated that the role of the Damrongdhama District Center was mainly to receive complaints – petitions from the local public. In most cases, people submit complaints to the Damrongdhama District Center in order for the center to help solve problems relating to the inequality of rights and opportunities for justice, which amounted to 57% of all complaint contributors. Regarding public expectations about the role of the Borabue Damrongdhama District Center, it was found that the scope was not at the same level as expected by the people. This is due to the restrictions on the authority of the district center and the authority of the relevant authorities.

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How to Cite
มายูร ภ., & อรรคแสง อ. (2018). Role of the Damrongdhama District Center in Solving Inequality in Borabue District, Mahasarakham Province, Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 8(1), 81–94. retrieved from
Research Articles