Synonymous Phraseologisms on the Topic of “Fear” in German and Vietnamese Contrastives


  • Nguyen Lan Anh Faculty of German Language and Culture, University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University Hanoi


phraseologisms, synonymous phraseologisms, contrastive study, German and Vietnamese


Phraseologisms are essential to the understanding and use of language, providing performative range for communication and vocabulary, and for this reason they are considered part of the language system. In particular, they reflect the culture of a country and the mindset of its people, and can be thought of as units of language and culture. Therefore, by studying phraseologisms, one can gain understanding of the peculiarities of a culture, and when phraseologisms in one language are compared with those in another, differences and commonalities between the cultures and languages in question can be discerned. Synonymy plays an important role in lexical-semantic relations and occurs relatively frequently in all areas of life, and indeed in almost every language. Linguists have shown great interest in synonymy, particularly in relation to phraseologisms. In the course of this study I examine synonymous phraseologisms in German and Vietnamese on the subject of “fear”. The work utilizes the dictionaries Thành ngữ đồng nghĩa tiếng Việt (Nguyễn Lực, 2005), Synonymwörterbuch der deutschen Redensarten (Schemann, 2012) and Duden. Redewendungen (Dudenredaktion, 2002).


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How to Cite

Anh, N. L. (2018). Synonymous Phraseologisms on the Topic of “Fear” in German and Vietnamese Contrastives. Journal of Letters, 47(3), 447–480. retrieved from