About the Journal

Journal History

Journal of Letters is a semi-annual acedemic journal (January-June and July-December). The journal also accepts a proposal for special issue, supplementary issue, or the collection of selected articles from high-quality conferences. However, extra issues are limited to two volumes per year. Journal of Letters publishes peer-reviewed articles in the field of Humanities and Social science. Areas of special concern include language, linguistics, literary studies, history, philosophy, religious studies, folklore, anthropology, dramatic arts, library and information science, geography, and cultural studies. The Journal seeks to promote research in the humanities by providing a forum for discussion and exchange among researchers and a channel for publicizing academic works for the benefit of the general public.

Journal of Letters welcomes contributions in all relevant areas indicated above in the form of research articles, non-research academic articles, review articles, and book reviews, either in Thai, English, or other languages. Submission can be made throughout the year. Articles previously published or under consideration by another journal cannot be accepted. Articles submitted will receive a double-blind review by three referees. Contributors should follow the guidelines for contributors at www.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jletters.

Copyright by the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University.

Photocopying is allowed for internal, non-commercial use only. Photocopying for other uses or for purposes other than indicated requires a written permission from the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University.

All ideas and opinions stated in the published articles are of the authors. The publisher and the editorial staffs do not necessarily share such views.

  • ISSN : 0125-4820 (Print) from January 1969 onwards
  • ISSN : 2586-9736 (Online) from July 2017 onwards


Focus and Scope

Journal of Letters publishes high-quality academic articles in the field of the humanities and social sciences.

Journal of Letters is a semi-annual acedemic journal (January-June and July-December). The journal also accepts a proposal for special issue, supplementary issue, or the collection of selected articles from high-quality conferences. However, extra issues are limited to two volumes per year. Journal of Letters publishes peer-reviewed articles in the field of Humanities and Social science. Areas of special concern include language, linguistics, literary studies, history, philosophy, religious studies, folklore, anthropology, dramatic arts, library and information science, geography, and cultural studies.

 Peer Review Process

Journal of Letters welcomes contributions in all relevant areas indicated above in the form of research articles, non-research academic articles, review articles, and book reviews, either in Thai or in English. Submission can be made throughout the year. Articles previously published or under consideration by another journal cannot be accepted. Articles submitted will receive a double-blind review by two referees.

Publication Frequency

Journal of Letters is a semi-annual journal (January - June and July - December).


 Sources of Support

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University,

Phayathai Road, Wangmai, Phatumwan, Bangkok 10330

Contact number: +662 218 4877