Conceptual Metaphors for “Refugees” in Online Newspapers: An Empirical Study in German and in Thai


  • Phongsakorn Jamjumrus German Section, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University


Metaphernanalyse, Konzeptuelle Metapher, Flüchtlinge, Kognitive Linguistik


This research article investigates the comparative language usage of refugee metaphors in German and Thai in two selected online newspapers: Süddeutsche Zeitung and Thairath. According to Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980) cognitive theory of the conceptual metaphor, metaphors exert a major influence on our thinking, perceptions and behaviour in everyday life. This study uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze data from a German and a Thai corpus. It was found that twelve source domains are used in German and Thai data. In both corpora, refugees were represented in six domains, namely as goods, enemies, water, objects, guests/visitors and vehicles. Three metaphorical concepts were found only in the German corpus: refugees as travellers, people in need and loads, whereas in the Thai corpus, refugees were represented as people, games and animals. These metaphorical concepts have predominantly negative connotations and therefore their appearance in mass media has a negative influence on public perceptions of refugees.


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How to Cite

Jamjumrus, P. (2018). Conceptual Metaphors for “Refugees” in Online Newspapers: An Empirical Study in German and in Thai. Journal of Letters, 47(3), 379–415. retrieved from