A study of Potential of Religious Tourism Destinations in Phayao Province

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Phatpitta Sreesoompong


The purpose of this research is to study the potential of religious tourism destinations in Mueang District, Phayao Province. The sample group consisted of 400 Thai tourists who were selected as the sample group using random sampling. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
The potential of religious tourism in Phayao Province is generally rated as high, with an average score of 3.53. When considering specific aspects, it is evident that Thai tourists hold the highest opinions regarding the environment aspects, with a significantly high average score of 3.75. The next aspect is the touristic value and charm, with a high average score of 3.66. The aspect with the lowest rating is public participation, although it still has a relatively high average score of 3.42. Religious tourist attractions hold significant value for the local community. They serve as places of worship, deeply embedded in the spirit of the community, and they encourage community members to appreciate the essence of Buddhism. Religious tourist attractions also provide career opportunities and sources of income for people in the local community. Moreover, improvements in accessibility and facilities at these attractions are needed to better accommodate visitors. Community engagement is crucial, and it has been observed that residents are eager to welcome tourists. They have found opportunities to increase their income through tourism by selling products and providing services to visitors. Moreover, religious tourism destinations should adopt modern and diverse public relations channels, particularly leveraging social media platforms like Facebook and Line for quick and cost-effective communication.

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How to Cite
Sreesoompong, P. (2024). A study of Potential of Religious Tourism Destinations in Phayao Province. Journal of Buddhist Psychology, 9(1), 62–77. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jbp/article/view/271985
Research Article


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