Network Development and Strengthening of Mekong Buddhist Monks

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Uten larping
Phramaha Chatchai Suchattajayo (Moonsarn)
Phra Athiwat Rattavanno (Thammawatsiri)


The objective of this research article aims to investigate the engagement of monks and missionaries of Buddhism in the Mekong Region in various activities, explore the methodologies employed, and devise strategies for fostering the development and fortification of their networks. Employing a mixed-method research design, quantitative data were acquired through the administration of questionnaires and subsequently analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques. Qualitative data, on the other hand, were gathered through interviews and subjected to content analysis. It is worth noting that all samples were selected utilizing a purposive sampling approach to ensure relevance and representativeness in the study.
The results of this research were:
1. The examination of activities and involvement in network development among Buddhist monks in the Mekong Basin presents a favorable perspective. The average opinion level of respondents, which stands at 3.67, demonstrates a commendable level of engagement. Moreover, the standard deviation of 0.61 concerning activities and participation in network development suggests a consistent and cooperative effort. These findings imply the existence of a cohesive and collaborative network among Buddhist monks in the region.
2. Within the Mekong Region, there exists a supportive environment fostering knowledge exchange and positive relationships among individuals. A study investigating approaches for the development and enhancement of Buddhism in this region identified three key administrative components. Firstly, Buddhist principles, such as Aparihani Dharma, are employed in the management of network development. Secondly, various network management approaches are utilized. Thirdly, several components contribute to network development, including shared perceptions, views, visions, and interests, alongside the active participation of all network members. Additionally, mutual reinforcement, interdependent support, and exchange interactions further contribute to the strengthening of these networks.
3. In the endeavor to foster the development and fortification of Buddhist missionaries within the Mekong River Basin, several mechanisms have been identified. These mechanisms encompass: 1) Implementation of modern online communication channels 2) Establishment of mechanisms facilitating continuous meetings, exchanges, and collaborative activities among network members 3) Development of mechanisms aimed at enhancing the capabilities and potential of monks and missionaries within the Mekong region 4) Introduction of mechanisms dedicated to fostering innovative ideas, addressing communication challenges, disseminating novel approaches, and incorporating recommendations derived from research findings. Furthermore, it is recommended that Thai Sangha educational institutions prioritize the training of additional Buddhist missionaries. Additionally, it is advised that the Sangha Council take proactive measures to establish and reinforce networks aimed at supporting monks actively engaged in spreading Buddhism.

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How to Cite
larping, U., Suchattajayo (Moonsarn), P. C. ., & Rattavanno (Thammawatsiri), P. A. . (2024). Network Development and Strengthening of Mekong Buddhist Monks. Journal of Buddhist Psychology, 9(1), 15–25. Retrieved from
Research Article


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