Development of an English Curriculum of Creative Thinkink Based on Content and Language Integrated Learning by Using Steam 4 Innovator Process at Witthayapanya Matthayom School, Bangkok

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Nusara Sungo
Napaporn Tanya
Supaporn Prawpanit
Silapachai Booranapanich
Adisorn Siri


The objectives of this research were 1) study the state of problem 2) creative thinking 3) study to English learning and 4) and to study Matthayom School students' satisfaction of the curriculum. The samples for this research were Witthayapanya Matthayom School 3 students of 2022 academic year. The instruments used in this research were 1) English Curriculum 2) a learning achievements test 3) evaluation form for measuring creativity of 4 assessed measurements including: (1) fluency, (2) flexibility, (3)originality, and (4) elaboration. The statistics employed were percentage, the mean, standard deviation and t-test (dependent samples). The efficiency of the curriculum was carried out by E1/E2.

The results showed that: (1) The study of the problems of Development of the English Curriculum of Creative Thinking Based Curriculum revealed that the propriety, on the whole, problem was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.72) and the propriety, on the whole, need for development was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.20) (2) Development of the English for Community-Based Curriculum had 12 main components:  Importance and necessity of the curriculum, principles of the model, Purposes Learning outcomes, Learning substances, Cours description, Content structure and time allotted, Time allotted, Structure of the course, guidelines for organizing activities, Media, equipment and learning sources, and Guidelines for measurement and evaluation of 6 learning units including 36 lesson plans learning; according to the guidelines by the experts, revealed that the propriety, on the whole, was at the very high at the average (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.51) The study on the results of using the English Curriculum revealed that: 1) the efficiency was 79.08/78.67; lesson plans learning at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.74) (3) The learning achievement of the students who were taught according to the develop English Curriculum was higher than before being taught at a statistical significance level of .01 and The creative thinking ability in the learning area after being exposed, was at a very good level. and (4) the students’ satisfaction, on the whole, was at the very high at the average (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.55).

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How to Cite
Sungo, N. ., Tanya, N. ., Prawpanit, S. ., Booranapanich, S., & Siri, A. . (2024). Development of an English Curriculum of Creative Thinkink Based on Content and Language Integrated Learning by Using Steam 4 Innovator Process at Witthayapanya Matthayom School, Bangkok. Journal of Buddhist Psychology, 9(1), 129–142. Retrieved from
Research Article


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